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What does Exceed Engineering do?

At a basic level engineers use maths, science and experience to solve problems. We work to create and maintain the infrastructure that supports our every day lives. This includes buildings, water supply systems, sewerage treatment systems, transport systems, mines, ports, dams, road ways and all of the other structures and infrastructure in our lives that we tend to take for granted.

This infrastructure continually needs creating, updating and repairing. At Exceed Engineering we manage this process and ensure that the structures and systems are fit for their intended purpose. We also focus on efficient and sustainable solutions.

Here are some examples of what we’ve been working on recently:

- The civil and structural design of irrigation supply systems for Tasmanian Irrigation

- Engineering design of dairies including the buildings, holding yards, effluent systems and associated works

- Civil and structural infrastructure associated with a sawmill in southern Tasmania

- Engineering design of new residences and extensions to existing residences

- Engineering design associated with new buildings for a number of local schools

- Engineering structural assessments of various buildings including residential, commercial and industrial


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